Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tips Understanding and how to use the Photoshop Image Processor

Image Processor is a tool provided by Adobe Photoshop to make it easier to process many image files uniformly, in a short time. Say, one day we want to reduce the size of the photographs of our collection, but the large number of photos sometimes decreases the amount of productivity and requires a lot of time in processing these photographs, or any time we want to explain, clarify or darken the color display photographs exist in the collection of our album, but we are constrained by limited time, then, 'Image Processor' can be used as an alternative.
Menu Image Processor is located in the 'File Option', in the 'Scrips';
Once we open the windows 'Image Processor', we can find several menus to choose from, among others, set the size of the photos you want to minimized / or its enlarged Pixel size, change the shape of a JPEG file into a PSD or TIFF, or change or add effects to the photos, explaining, sharpen, or reduce the brightness of the color photographs that have been there before. In terms of providing a touch of editing the latter, then we must first have a setting that we have stored previously, the settings already stored (recorded), can be referred to as 'Preset', or Settings already stored.

To make sebuh Preset, first we need is a picture that serve as a reference, say File A, which has the atmosphere of brightness or color that is similar to the other fotofoto we want to give a touch of similar effect. Then we open the Window 'Action', it would appear a 'Panel Action' which contains the options 'action' at the bottom;
a. Stop Recording; to limit the 'action' / action that you want to be 'Preset' b. Recording; start the process of saving 'presets' c. Play; play (running) action undertaken d. New Folder; to group actions made e. New File; to create a setting that contains new actions f. Delete; to 'remove' Action and the folder containing the saved Actionaction.

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