Sunday, May 17, 2015

Some brief explanation of the function of the "Tools" is as follows;

  • Move tool; to move or shift the image.
  • Rectangular / Elliptical Marque tool, all of which can also be referred to as 'Area Selector' or 'Selecting Area Tool'; to mark the object rather than the image.
  • Polygonal Lasso tool; has a function that is not much different from its function with the Rectangular Marquee Tool as 'Selecting Area Tool'
  • Magic wand tool; also has a function similar to the two tools above (selector area)
  • Crop tool; for mengcrop a picture / image
  • Eyedrop tool; to take samples or reference certain colors rather than an object or image, which will be applied with the foreground color and background color.
  • Spot Healing Brush tool and similar tools; to remove one point or stain in a photograph
  • Brush Tool; serves as a brush, which can disapuhkan with image or image objects in question
  • Clone stamp, serves to create an object with a specification of a particular color or shape can be spread or 'diklonikan' in the image (shape) similar
  • Eraser; as eraser Layer
  • Gradient tool; to help us create a gradient layer coating instantly
  • Dodge tool; to change a light touch dama one colored object
  • Blur tool; making fuzzy or smooth an image
  • Pen tool; to create a path creation; vector objects; a line object and others
  • Type tool; to create a single object writing; to write in photoshop
  • Path selection tool; to help us in editing an object path
  • Polygon tool; to create an object that has a regular path (dikreasikan), such as a triangle / quadrangle 'or other objects.
  • Hand tool, to shift the object when in Zoom in
  • Zoom Tool, To do Zoon in or Zoom Out image
  • While the 'Option' or 'Options Bar', will appear if we had chosen one of the existing tool and will provide options, or menus that support the use of tool that we are using.

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